Fáilte chuig gaa.ie - suíomh oifigiúil CLG

The Mark

Applicable in rule in 2024

2.12 Mark

The Referee shall award a Mark in either ofthe following circumstances:   

(a) When a player catches the ball cleanly from a kick-out, without it touching the ground, on or past the 45m line nearest the kick-out point.


(b) When a player catches the ball cleanly on orinside a 45m line from a kick in play (i.e. not from set-play) delivered by an attacking player on or beyond the opposing team’s 45m line, that travels at least 20m and without it touching the ground.   

**The following procedures shall apply:   **

(a) Free Kick

The player shall signify to the Referee ifthe playeris availing of the free-kick by immediately raising an arm upright and that playerthen taking the kick from the hands. The free kick shall be taken from the point where the Mark is awarded except in the case of a Mark awarded to an attacking team inside a 13m line when the free shall be taken from the point on the 13m line directly in line with where the Mark is awarded. Once the player indicates the playeris taking the ‘Mark’, the Referee shall allow up to fifteen seconds forthe playerto take the kick. If the player delays longerthan fifteen seconds, the Referee shall cancel the ‘Mark’ and throw in the ball between a playerfrom each side. Once the player indicates they are taking the ‘Mark, the opposing players must retreat 13m to allow the player space to take the kick. If an opposing player deliberately blocks or attempts to block the kickwithin 13m, or if an opposing playerimpedes the playerwhile the playeris taking the kick, the Referee shall penalise the opposing team by bringing the ball forward 13m, up to opponents’ 13m line. If the Referee determines that the player who makes the Mark has been injured in the process and is unable to take the kick, the Referee shall direct the player’s nearest team-mate to take the kick, but this may only be allowed in exceptional circumstances. A score may be made from a free awarded for a Mark.

(b) Play on immediately

(i) In this circumstance the player may not be challenged forthe ball until the player carries the ball up to a maximum of four consecutive steps or holds the ball for no longerthan the time needed to take four steps and/or makes one act of kicking, hand-passing, bouncing ortoe-tapping the ball.

(ii) If the Playeris illegally challenged, a free kick shall be awarded to the player’s team from the point at which the challenge is made, and this free kick may be taken by any player on that team.

Exception: (b) (i) and (ii) above shall not apply when a player opts to play on immediately from a Mark awarded in either the large or small rectangle.

Central Council gave an Interpretation as follows:

  1. The referee shall award “the mark” by blowing the whistle.
  2. “On or past the 45m line” shall mean that both feet of the catcher are on or past the 45m line when he catches the ball or on landing.
  3. In order to signify that he wishes to take a free-kick, the player who catches the ball and has been awarded a “mark” by the referee should stop playing. If he does not obviously stop then it should be taken that he is “playing on”.
  4. “Challenged” as mentioned in the rule is taken as “tackle” as defined; once the player plays on he may be tackled after four steps or once he plays the ball in any way.
  5. All players must be at least 13 metres from where “the mark” is awarded.
  6. When a player who is awarded a “mark” is injured, any team mate may take the free kick, which must be taken from the hands. The player in question may not score directly from the kick. (Current rule states that only the “nearest team mate” may take the free kick).
  7. In order to be awarded a “Mark”, the ball must not have been touched in flight by another player.