The Baile Chláir team, including Orna McCormack, Emily Feery Quinn, Ashlynn O’Sullivan, Erin Finnerty and Fionn Herwood, representing Galway and Connacht, in the Ceol Uirlise competition during the Scór na nÓg 2024-25 All-Ireland Finals at the Hillgrove Hotel, Monaghan. Photo by Shauna Clinton/Sportsfile
Le Jamie Ó Tuama
Ocht gclub éagsúla ó sheacht gcontae éagsúla agus ó cheithre chúige éagsúla a thug leo Coirn Uile-Éireann Scór na nÓg i Muineachán, Dé Sathairn. Eight different clubs from seven different counties and from 4 different provinces were crowned All-Ireland Champions at the GAA’s Scór na nÓg All-Ireland Finals in Monaghan on Saturday.
Ciarraí topped the honours list after An Spá took the Rince Seit title for the third time in a row while Gleann Fleisce took the Bailéad-Ghrúpa competition. Other winners from cúige Mumhan were Caisleán Nua, Tiobraid Árann, who took the Rince Foirne honours.
A total of three titles went to Cúige Uladh. Naomh Columba, Dún na nGall, won the Tráth na gCeist, Gaeil Inis Ceithleann, Fear Manach, won the Nuachleas while Niamh Noade took the honours for An Mullach Bán and Ard Mhacha in the Amhránaíocht Aonair competition.
Alanna Nic Carrghamhna, ó na Dúnta san Íarmhí, a thug léi an Comórtas Aithriseoireachta/Scéalaíochta agus Baile Chláir na Gaillimhe a thug leo an Comórtas Ceoil Uirlise.
The Gleann Fleisce team, including Aoise O Donoghue, Muireann Healy, Abbey Cronin, Cliona Moynihan and Patrick Mullane, representing Kerry and Munster, in the Bailéad-Ghrúpa competition during the Scór na nÓg 2024-25 All-Ireland Finals at the Hillgrove Hotel, Monaghan.
Curaidh na hÉireann - Scór na nÓg 2024 / Scór na nÓg 2024 All-Ireland Champions
Rince Foirne
An Mhumhain
Caisleán Nua, Tiobraid
Niamh Noade, An Mullach Bán, Ard Mhacha
Alanna Nic Carrghamhna, Na Dúnta, An Íarmhí
An Mhumhain
Gleann Fleisce, Ciarraí
Gaeil Inis Ceithleann, Fear Manach
Ceol Uirlise
Baile Chláir, Gaillimh
Rince Seit
An Mhumhain
An Spá, Ciarraí
Tráth na gCeist
Naomh Columba, Dún na nGall