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GAA Discipline
Disciplinary Process Summary
Misconduct at Games Infraction
- The Competitions Control Committee proposes a penalty. It is either accepted or rejected.
- If an individual or unit does not accept the purposed penalty, a Hearing is granted.
- The Hearings Committee (decision makers) either impose a penalty or exonerate based on evidence presented during the Hearing.
- If a penalty is imposed by the Hearings Committee, and the Defending Party is not willing to accept the imposed penalty, then an Appeal can be lodged to the Appeals Committee.
- The Appeal is heard by the Appeals Committee. If an Appeal is unsuccessful then the penalty remains imposed and all avenues of Appeal are now exhausted within the GAA (The Appeal can only be successful where there has been a clear infringement or misapplication of Rule by the Hearings Committee or the Appellant’s right to a fair hearing has otherwise been compromised to such extent that a clear injustice has occurred).
- However, if the Defending Party is still not willing to accept the imposed penalty, a request for Arbitration may be lodged to the DRA (Disputes Resolution Authority) who are an external Independent Body
Central Disciplinary Committees An Lárchoiste Éisteachta (The Central Hearings Committee)
The Central Hearings Committee adjudicates on hearing requested arising from Disciplinary Matters relating to:
- The Enforcement of Rules arising from matters & competitions under the jurisdiction of the Central Council.
- Exception: A Hearing of an Objection/Counter Objection is the function of the Central Competitions Control Committee.
- Misconduct arising from the Provincial Inter-County Senior Championship Games.
- Match Regulations arising from Games under the jurisdiction of the Central Council and from the Provincial Inter-County Senior Championships
For further information on hearings, please see Rule 7.3 (Official Guide)
Contact Details
Contact Number: 01 865 8600
An Lárchoiste Achomhairc (The Central Appeals Committee) The Central Appeals Committee shall hear all appeals made at Central Level.
It shall also have the function of considering Applications for a Review of Suspensions imposed in accordance with Rule, as set out in Rule 7.12 - Reinstatements, and of making Recommendations on these Applications to Central Council.
For further information on appeals, please see Rule 7.11 (Official Guide)
Contact Details
Contact Number: 01 865 8600