Fáilte chuig gaa.ie - suíomh oifigiúil CLG



Scoil Dara pupils pictured at the launch of the GAA's 'Responding to the Racism' awareness campaign at Croke Park in Dublin.

Scoil Dara pupils pictured at the launch of the GAA's 'Responding to the Racism' awareness campaign at Croke Park in Dublin.

GAA for All is a family of initiatives in the GAA encompassing Wheelchair Hurling and Camogie, Football for all, Fun and Run, “All Star” Inclusive clubs, Cúl 4 All / Cúl Eile Camps and intercultural activities. The GAA has seen a rise in the type's of models for Inclusion for example, assistant program where GAA coaches and local sport partnerships work together , July provision programs where the GAA coaches and special needs assistants are recruited to facilitate at the camps and finally the club Cúl Eile Camps, where GAA coaches and local school teachers plan and organised the camps with parents involvement.

Inclusive Club Initiative- “All Stars Club Program”

The Raheny All Stars established in September 2016. This very special initiative was set-up for children with special needs aged 9yrs -12yrs. Their main objective was to include children that could not take part in a typical team game, assisting them with ball skills, exercise and of course, fun and enjoyment in a safe environment. Another important goal for us was to promote the ethos of inclusion in the community and the club. The children need 1:1 or 1:2 support. The group is child centered with emphasis on keeping our children and young people safe when they come to our sessions. All of the coaches adhere to best practice and are all Garda vetted have received Child Protection training, GAA inclusion module training and completed CARA Disability Inclusion training.

wheelchair hurling

wheelchair hurling

Responding to Racism Awareness Campaign

In the GAA official guide, the Association is Anti-Sectarian, Anti-Racist and committed to the principles of inclusion and diversity at all levels. Any conduct by deed, word, or gesture of sectarian or racist nature or which is contrary to the principles of inclusion and diversity against a player, official, spectator or anyone else, in the course of activities organised by the Association, shall be deemed to have discredited the Association. The new post of Diversity and Inclusion officer, Geraldine Mc Tavish is a steady determination to develop the policy and practice of using the family of Gaelic games for cultural integration and social inclusion of people from our diverse ethnic population in Irish society, along with making sure that all the games in the Gaelic basket are adapted for people with different abilities. The role covers the Give respect, Get respect campaign along with the GAA for ALL Committee. The GAA for ALL committee oversees the Wheelchair Hurling and Camogie, Football for All competitions, Intercultural initiatives and Inclusion in the family of Gaelic Games (GAA, LGFA, Camogie, Handball and Rounders).

In March 2020 in line with the INAR Human Rights week, Geraldine Mc Tavish launched the GAA Responding to Racism (R2R) educational and awareness campaign. The campaign, which includes both education and procedures to follow should any incidents arise in GAA clubs, has been developed in collaboration with Sports Against Racism Ireland (SARI). This two hour training workshop is available to counties by sending an email to Geraldine Mc Tavish at the email address : geraldine.mctavish@gaa.ie.


Sport Against Racism Ireland

Irish Network Against Racism

Gender Diversity

Geraldine Mc Tavish also has in place a Gender Diversity working group who are working on many pillars in line with this culture and its values, the GAA is committed to providing an inclusive and diverse environment in which all members of the GAA community should expect to be able to thrive and be respected and valued for their unique perspectives and contributions, so that they can achieve their fullest potential. This is in line with our strategic goal at the heart of our Strategic Plan 2017-2021, which is to value and develop our GAA community.


TENI (Transgender Equality Network Ireland)

Belong To

CARA Friend

Rainbow Project

Social Inclusion initiative

There has also been a rise in intercultural programs across the GAA units from Coaching programmes for Direct provision to minority groups training sessions and cultural days- Lá na clubanna that is part of the Healthy club project. Healthy Clubs Projects promote the Social inclusion programmes in GAA clubs across Ireland. This year an “Embracing Diversity Seminar” was held in Ballyhaunis, where the community had 75 nationally in the Connacht GAA center of excellence for a sharing of knowledge, culture, and projects in the community around diversity and equality. Demonstrations and talks from members of the direct provision centre, community groups, GAA, community programmes and An Garda Siochána. The work was in collaboration with the Dept. of Rural and community affairs and Dept. of Justice. These collaborations are a crucial path in the Diversity and Inclusion work in the GAA.

For more information please contact Geraldine Mc Tavish,

GAA Diversity and Inclusion officer, Geraldine.mctavish@gaa.ie 01 8192363