Community & Personal Development
Community and Personal Development
The Community & Health department is continually striving to ensure that it supports the growth and personal development of all GAA members especially those interested in the sphere of health and wellbeing. To this end, a variety of interesting and innovative training and educational programmes have been developed for members.
Healthy Club Officer (HCO) Training
With all GAA clubs now recommended to appoint a Healthy Club Officer (HCO), a two-hour training module has been developed to support those taking up or interested in supporting the role. Developed in consultation with both the National Health & Wellbeing Committee and representatives of the HSE’s health promotion department and the PHA, the content covers topics including the holistic nature of health, up-to-date national health statistics what this means for your GAA club, and how your club can become more health-enhancing. It takes participants through the four building blocks of a ‘Healthy Club’ – Plan, Partners, Activities, The Club – to help ensure any work undertaken by clubs follows good practise, is sustainable, and achieves desired goals. The training is highly interactive and discussion based and rolled out by trained GAA health and wellbeing tutors through your County Health and Wellbeing Committee. Participants receive a certificate of completion, while each club represented also receives a Club Health & Wellbeing manual, filled with useful resources and case-studies.
The Dermot Earley Youth Leadership Initiative (DEYLI)
The Dermot Earley Youth Leadership initiative involves an exciting partnership with NUIG and Fóroige, and aims to make available to young GAA members (15-18 years old) an evidence-based, accredited programme that stimulates and enhances their leadership qualities through active learning. Developed to honour the ideals and memory of Dermot Earley Snr, one of the GAA’s and the nation’s greatest leaders, participants who complete all three modules receive a FETAC Level 6 certificate from NUIG for their efforts. GAA tutors in participating counties are also recruited to guide the young people on their values-based journey of learning and achievement. Tutors receive valuable facilitation training from both NUIG and Foróige before embarking on their own journey in rolling out the programme in their county.
Diversity & Inclusion Training (D&I)
More information on D&I Training coming soon
safeTALK Training
SafeTALK 'suicide alertness for everyone' is a half day training programme that prepares participants to identify persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first aid resources using the steps of TALK (Tell, Ask, Listen and KeepSafe). Participants learn how to provide practical help to persons with thoughts of suicide in only a few hours. Following a safeTALK workshop you will be more capable to support people with thoughts of suicide by signposting them to suicide first aid resources in their local area. safeTALK training is delivered throughout all counties with the support of you County Health and Wellbeing Committee.
Critical Incident Response Training (CIRP)
A critical incident is defined as a situation that overwhelms one’s natural capacity to respond.
The Community & Health Department have designed and developed a two-hour training module for anyone interested in becoming a Critical Incident Peer Supporter. The training ensures participants can:
- Prepare a county-level Critical Incident Response Plan from the template/resource provided.
- Support clubs in adopting their own CIRP and support them should an incident arise.
- Respond in the most appropriate manner following a critical incident.
- The Peer Supporter(s) will be assisted in their role by their County Executive and County Health & Wellbeing Committee.
Gambling Awareness
We have designed and developed a training workshop for gambling awareness in a GAA context. The workshop has been designed to be delivered to any group within the club setting, including players aged U16 upwards, mentors, officers, members and parents. It is designed to raise awareness of some of the concerns linked to harmful gambling but delivery of the presentation does not require any expertise in the subject.