Fáilte chuig gaa.ie - suíomh oifigiúil CLG

Oral History

Members of Ardara GAA Club

Members of Ardara GAA club talk about their involvement in the GAA over the years. They talk about their early involvement in the Association and the history of the Ardara club. They discuss the history of the GAA in the area and describe how the game of camán was played in Ardara. They talk about the development of the club and Vincent describes how the club got its ground, known as Pearse Memorial Park. They describe the make-up of the parish and note the club’s main rivals in the area. Packie talks about emigrating to England before moving to America and describes his involvement in the GAA in both countries. Vincent recalls his involvement in the GAA in New York and describes the role the GAA played there. The group talk about a number of issues including the role of women in the GAA, the role that teachers and the clergy play in the Association. They discuss the role of the club in the local community and towards the end of the interview they highlight the important role the GAA has played in their lives over the years.