Fáilte chuig gaa.ie - suíomh oifigiúil CLG

GAA Sanctions and Permits

GAA Sanctions Travel Insurance Scheme

We have reviewed our policy on insurance. Sanction requests will only be considered where such request is accompanied by a Certificate of (Travel) Insurance issued by our travel partner, AIG Europe S.A. and arranged directly with AIG via the dedicated GAA Phone Number 01 261 1419 – no other insurance will be accepted.

This is comprehensive travel insurance which will cover you while playing, working and holidaying outside the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland for the period of the sanction/insurance.

Full details of this insurance are contained in the following links:

GAA Sanctions Travel Insurance Scheme Policy Document – https://www.aig.ie/content/dam/aig/emea/ireland/documents/policy-documents/2025/affinity-travel-policy-wording-final.pdf

Insurance Product Information Document (IPID) – https://www.aig.ie/content/dam/aig/emea/ireland/documents/policy-documents/2025/affinity-travel-ipid.pdf

Please also see the following Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.gaa.ie/api/images/raw/upload/t_q-best/prd/ehwc0hlafpr0m51wsyzw.docx

To arrange this insurance please contact AIG on 01 261 1419.

As of December 2023, players should apply for the following sanctions and permits through the GAA Player Transfer System in Foireann:

  • USGAA Sanction: For a player intending to play for a Club in an area governed by the USGAA Board from 1 March to the end of October in any one year.
  • New York Sanction: For a player intending to play for a Club in an area governed by the New York Board from 1 March to the end of October in any one year.
  • Canadian Sanction: For a player intending to play for a Club in an area governed by the Canadian Board from 1 March to the end of October in any one year.
  • J1 Sanction: For a player intending to play for a Club in an area governed by the USGAA Board on a J1 Visa from 1 March to the end of October in any one year. The J1 Work and Travel Programme Visa refers to the four-month Visa for 3rd level students.
  • Weekend Authorisation: A Weekend Authorisation is required by any player intending to play for a Club in a game under the jurisdiction of the New York Board for a given weekend.
  • European Student Permit: For a player who is pursuing a full-time course of study in a country under the jurisdiction of the European Board. This permit allows the player to play with a Club in Europe and with the player’s own Club.
  • Inter-County Hurling Permit: For Senior Inter-County Hurling Competitions, a player, subject to the conditions in the GAA Official Guide, shall be entitled to: A) Declare for the First County of either of their parents; or B) Play for the County of Residence, provided this County is a designated County, while continuing to be eligible to play with their Own Club.

The GAA’s rules governing sanctions and permits are covered in the Official Guide Part 1 2024 and GAA Official Codes 2024, Section 9. See pages 15 and 16: https://www.gaa.ie/article/gaa-official-guides-codes

Process Overview

The basic process is as follows:

1. Access Player Transfer System

  • Login to your Foireann account at Foireann.ie
  • Navigate to the 'Profile' tab
  • Select 'Player Transfers' under the Profile tab

2. Start New Application

  • Explore application types and rules
  • Click on 'Start New Application' in the 'Player Transfers' section
  • Applications must be initiated by the player

3. Provide Application Info.

  • Fill in the details required
  • Sanctions require proof of suitable insurance (Sanction requests will only be considered where such request is accompanied by a Certificate of (Travel) Insurance issued by our travel partner, AIG Europe S.A. – no other insurance will be accepted.)

4. Joining Club Review

  • The Secretary of the joining Club must review and approve the application before it goes to the GAA centrally for processing

5. Application Considered

  • Once the GAA centrally processes the application, the relevant Club and County Secretaries receive it for their consideration
  • Clubs/Counties review the application and can either accept or reject it

6. Decision on Application

  • Decision notification is sent by the GAA centrally via email once everyone has approved an application and everything is in order
  • Next steps are outlined in the confirmation email

Guidance on using the Player Transfer System

User guides on using the system are available via the Foireann help centre: Help Centre.

If you have technical issues with using the system, please submit a support ticket: Support Ticket Form.

A list of answers to common questions are also available via this link: GAA Player Transfer System FAQs